Our Services

EW Urban Design Framework from staff memo to City Council MPA20150006.JPG


It all starts with land use plans. Our planning studies focus on mixed use, small area plans that enable great communities through: a mix of uses; appropriately-sized, multi-modal transportation; usable open space; thriving small businesses; and recreational opportunities. Our decades of planning experience include Eisenhower West, Braddock Metro Station Area, and Old Town North neighborhoods; art and cultural districts; walkability; and bus and streetcar transportation.



A neighborhood or “livable city” has an immediately-recognizable distinct flavor—it is a place where people want to go.  The sense of “I know this place and it is good” can come from a notable landmark or building; a renowned restaurant or market; an engaging waterfront district; distinctive banners, artworks, or paving that provide identity to a street; or a well-known event. As a member of ULI’s Placemaking Initiative Council, we identify the best ways to incorporate new and existing resources to knit an area together and engage the latest ideas in creative placemaking to define elements for neighborhoods, towns, and large-scale developments.



Climate change is fundamentally linked to land management and the imperative to focus on issues such as shifting sea levels, flood plains, and hardiness zones in addition to infrastructure challenges related to soils, surfaces, and sewers.  The increasing emphasis on sustainable practices and construction in the building sector has afforded opportunities through increasing net zero ordinances and green building requirements, better energy-efficient building materials, solar and wind power, and passive solar design options. We work within your development team to encourage the efficient and practical use of these novel techniques and materials.

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The backbone of all good projects is a thorough feasibility and cost-benefit analysis.  We have over 40 years of excellence in research, which includes regulatory/zoning analysis; market and feasibility studies; pro forma analyses; ROI calculations across all building sectors; and select components of fiscal impact studies and forecasting models.  Our deep knowledge of forecasting model requirements and data sources provides you with essential information to make more effective and impactful decisions.



The path to project approval can be lengthy and convoluted. We guide developers through the twists and turns so they emerge with a viable project on time and on budget. We support you in obtaining public comment, navigating city or county staff demands, and interpreting zoning regulations. We identify potential stakeholder benefits and help you improve project acceptability. We balance community needs and temper everyone’s expectations, resulting in an achievable project proposal from the beginning. 


Public Outreach

Pushback against new project proposals can be eliminated or reduced by embarking on a sincere listening tour early in the project.  Springing a fully-formed project on a civic association is likely to lead to discontent and major project changes.  It is best to be open and accessible, and to work with local groups in defining parameters of project-related community benefits.  We are experienced at designing and conducting formal and informal public outreach sessions via virtual platforms or small, in-person meetings.  We plan the meeting, identify and invite participants, assure the logistics, moderate the session, and write up results and follow-ups needed.  Our efforts have resulted in project approvals for urban infill mixed use projects.



Bringing life back to obsolete commercial corridors or time-worn neighborhoods that are no longer popular is one of our passions.  We identify components of the area that have the potential to serve as community anchors, people and organizations who are local leaders, and sources of governmental and financial support for new initiatives.  We help form revitalization organizations, refine mission statements and activity plans, define projects, obtain sponsors, and negotiate with influential parties.  We help focus resources on areas that can quickly improve and set in motion an upward spiral of community pride and new investment.

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Economic Development

Economic development activities are focused on business attraction and retention and job creation.  These activities are supported by research on the area’s economic base, market supply and demand, buildable area, existing building vacancy rates, and feasibility of attracting new construction.  We carry out these analyses, and based on their results, formulate actionable economic development strategies.  Our president served several years on the Board of Directors of the Alexandria Economic Development Partnership and the Alexandria Industrial Development Authority.  We also work with merchant and business associations to define their strengths and weaknesses and formulate business support and marketing plans.  We are active in tourism analysis and strategic planning, as well as forecasting museum visitation under different scenarios.


Capacity Building

We never underestimate the ability of passionate volunteers to get things done, particularly in revitalization and economic development. But when volunteers and small nonprofits struggle to prepare plans, apply for grants, purchase materials, obtain consulting services, or advocate effectively, we can help. We begin by assessing the situation and working with the Board of Directors to define clear objectives and desired results. We identify stakeholders and determine what approvals or financial support will be needed.  Then, we prepare strategic short term work plans that result in rapid victories, and long-term plans.  We teach the effective use of technology and social media to communicate action plans to attract volunteers and funding.  We serve to guide the Board as it progressively takes on more of the required tasks.